Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Whimsical ReBirths of Jessica Joslin's Taxidermy Sculpture

Once in awhile you come across an artist that makes you all jittery when you see their work. Like when you were a kid and you would hop up and down a bit hearing the song of the ice cream truck ten blocks away, or knowing that when the car stopped you would arrive at one of your favourite destinations. Taxidermy sculpturist Jessica Joslin gets me all hoppity like that every time I visit her website.

Now, I can't say that I am a huge fan of taxidermy per se, but I AM a huge fan of different and unique. And while the steampunk revolution, goth encores and inundation with macabre that comes from living with two boys has created a sort of blase attitude toward using skulls and such in art for me... well Jessica has hit some sort of nerve. A really good one!

Jessica's work takes these critters to an entirely new world of fun and whimsy. You almost get the impression that they feel lucky to be reborn in such a world! I find something to oooh and aaaah about with every piece, her intelligent use of decadence mixed with an ability to let the personality of the piece speak simply. She's just kind of brilliant!

I absolutely ADORE her work and have made it my brand new mission to start a collection. It may take until I am eighty to acquire enough pieces to actually CALL it a collection, but I shall have at least three. THIS way I get to visit her site regularly to pick out favourites and keep tabs on her work with purpose! I'd love to know what you think... should be a fun discussion!

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