Sunday, July 4, 2010

Piece by Piece...

I hear rumour that quilters are organized. That they IRON before AND after they sew pieces of fabric together!!! Well, let's not call me a quilter then. I am a fabric piecer togetherer. I have a favourite quilt that has fallen apart so completely that the other day my seven year old offered to take me shopping for a new one. Hmmm. So I figure what with me having more fabric than I have room for, making a quilt should be easy. The part where I DON'T HAVE ROOM for this fabric is really the key here though, as it would most likely have sewn itself into glorious fancy things ages ago had I had the right amount of space to do it justice... for right now though, the "studio" is over run with lovely little bits of thrifted vintage linens and such that I am puzzling together one piece at a time. There is most likely a term for this in the day of yoga and meditative everything.... I shall call this "intuitive quilting". Organic Intuitive Quilting, as in, I don't iron or measure, I just sew, sew, sew to get it done in two days. I will save the measuring and ironing for the pieces I do for others...


Three Owls said...

ha ha ha.... only in Nelson are the quilters "intuitive"... ps... don't leave your door unlocked or I will come and 'borrow' some vintage cottons.... is intuitive another word for 'self medicated'... cause I'm that quilter... lol.

Pauline said...

Piecer Togetherer - Love it! I don't cook - I'm a Food Assembler. Measure? Hmm...just messes up more dishes. Can't say I use 'intuition' though. That sounds very advanced.

kimberj said...

You are a girl after my own heart :) I'm a piecer togetherer too! I'm taking art quilting lessons but so far I've spent more time sorting out fabric then cutting and sewing :(

andrea of ffft said...

Wow. There are people who teach quilting lessons? Maybe someday I will sign up for one of those. LOL... I started sewing costumes and wedding dresses (pretty much the same thing) and you would think that going from that to piecing squares together would be a cakewalk. Perhaps the difference is that this particular one I am trying to sew in my living room whilst catering to the whims of Chicken Pox Boy and shooing the cat off the darn thing every time I let any part of it touch the floor.

Pauline, I also am a Food Assembler. I am in complete agreement about the dishes... Lara can vouch for both :)