Sunday, September 21, 2008

Like It Was Only Yesterday.

I wish I was doing this right now... 

Today is the first day waking up to the soggy grey ick. How can it be this grey out when it was so spectacularly sunny yesterday? Should we not be allowed by the grace of nature to fall gradually into the darker time of the year? So I am returning us all to last weekend's fall fair in Harrop.

As a city girl turned cosmo-hick I am always saying that I live in the middle of nowhere, but in actual fact, Nelson is quite a happening little town. The REAL middle of nowhere is out past Harrop- real country life. 

I love it. I am all about prize chickens and dressed up zuccini as long as it isn't my responsibility to keep them alive. Don't get me wrong, I adore getting my hands dirty in the garden, I'm just still learning. And bugs freak me out. 

Here are the fruits (and veggies) of somebody else's labour...

Best dressed veggie table...

The card says "I want to be a pumpkin." Any veggie
sporting a hand felted pashmina is a clear winner.

Gorgeous fall blooms.

You can't see them clearly but this plant
 is covered in bees!

Everybody havin' a good time!

Photo credit: Sarah Grieve

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